
Sterilization Trays: Stainless Steel or Plastic

Stainless steel and polymers are two of the most important material choices for sanitization trays utilized for pharmaceutical and clinical purposes. As far as durability, long time span of usability, and protection from foreign substance ingestion, careful hardened steel outflanks plastic trays, particularly for clinical use. Treated steel trays additionally have a lower complete expense after some time. Plastics can become stained, can retain liquids, have a restricted life rack, and are costly after some time. The CDC exhorts utilizing a temperature between 121°C (250°F) to 132°C (270°F) for steam disinfection of careful instruments . (Rule for Disinfection and Sterilization in Healthcare Facilities, 2008 ( These suggested temperatures far surpass what most polymers' trays can endure, which is around 74°C (165°F). Due to these attributes, numerous plastic trays for clinical use are developed as disposables, planned for single-use applications. They may likewise be util